Saturday, April 12, 2008

So what did you think of the last episode?

"The Last Man"

Honestly I thought it was a great season ending for them. The whole Carter blowing up thing really sucks but the rest of it was just wonderful. I really liked how Tod helped Ronan blow up the ship though lol. Please comment :)


Elizabeth said...

It was totally fantastic. I liked the whole episode (man, Teyla's kid must really be important. At this rate he'll end up being in a preschool with Fort Knox-like security). I liked the Todd and Ronon part too, he's like "I was just going to blow it up." "Naturally." Also, I thought the Keller and McKay story was great, the last two survivors and then she dies! How horrible and really sad! But then it makes since why he'd spend all of the rest of his life working on fixing the time line. But it was nice that Lorne became a general :) But whatever happened to Ford and Weir?

Elizabeth said...

Will you continue to have polls?

Elizabeth said...

If you are going to have polls, what's the next one about? And will there be a new one every week?

Elizabeth said...

Hey, it was a tie!